CLASP Team Visit Family Night

Submitted by analysa.allison on

The CLASP Team joined us at Family Night this week. CLASP stands for Community Learning Around Sharing and Partnership Collaborative. CLASP is a team of Utah State University (USU) researchers and Tribal and K-12 educators across the state. They aim to explore how to sustain culture and strengthen kinship with Native youth, their families, and their communities. 



They were able to teach our students about Storytelling and how to incorporate different technologies into cultural preservation. The CLASP team showed our students examples of what they could create. They even created an amazing video personalized to our program. After, that students split into different groups and practiced using various technologies such as animations, stop motions, perspectives, etc. It was a wonderful experience for the students who participated. In just one hour, students were able to create some amazing projects and brainstorm. 

We'd love for more families to join, if you are interested contact Analysa at analysa.allison [at] (analysa[dot]allison[at]nebo[dot]edu) and read more about this project here